Popup Commands
NOTE: An event selection list will almost always result in any changes being applied to an instance of a repeat series (example: if you delete an item in a repeat series, only that day's instance is deleted from the repeat series). To make a change to the entire repeat series, call up the item into the Edit Dialog and make the change (or deletion) in that dialog. If you use a popup command on a repeat item and the event selection list was not for a particular day (such as would be the case from a Find function or upcoming alarms list, etc.), then the next instance of the repeat on or after today's date will be used.
Some of these commands only appear when a single item is selected, while other commands can be used when multiple items are selected (using the Multi-Select button). Items which can appear in the multiple selection list have a plus (+) sign after the command in the list below.
Not all commands are necessarily listed because preferences control both which items display and the order in which items appear (just like the main menu). If you are looking for an item that does not appear, then edit the preference: PopupListCommandsForEvent (and/or PopupListCommandsForMultiSelect) which controls what items appear in the lists and in what order.
If a deleted item is selected, a dialog appears reminding you that you must first EDIT the item to remove the deleted status (if you click on OK in the Edit dialog, even without making any change, the deleted status will get removed). If you are in multi-select mode and a deleted item is selected with a long-press, a dialog appears allowing you to undelete ALL selected items.
Display Details
Displays all the attributes of an event using an editable (but only for real power users!) screen template. When the Details display is shown, you can use an upstroke on the screen to move to the next event on the current day, or a downstroke to move to the prior event on the current day. A short tap dismisses the Event Details Screen, while a long press will bring up the Edit Dialog for the selected event.
The format of the screen template is covered in the appendix of the Pimlical/Desktop Reference manual: www.pimlicosoftware.com/pimlical-manual.pdf.
Duplicate Item
Makes a copy of the item that is identical in every way except that exceptions to a repeat event are purged, and if the item was marked as Canceled or Completed it will be returned to a normal status. Edit dialog then appears so any changes can be made to the copy. At this time, remember that duplicating a floating reminder will result in two floats with the SAME target event, and under these conditions and following syncing, it's likely that any previous reminder pointing to the same target event will be removed (in future it is likely that the target event field will be cleared when the duplicate command is used). If you are changing a repeat event to a non-repeat event, remove the repeat status first before making any other changes (in particular do this before changing the date of the event).
Toggle Completion +
If the item had a normal status, it is now marked as complete, and if complete, it is now marked as normal.
Toggle Cancellation +
If the item was not canceled, it is now marked as canceled, and if canceled, it is now marked as normal.
Advance 1 Day +
The item's date is advanced by one day. If the item has a repeat, then an exception is made and only the current instance is advanced by one day.
Advance 1 week +
As above, except the period for advancement is one week.\
Advance To Monday (or Tuesday, Wednesday...) +
As above, except the item is advanced to the next, specified day of the week
Advance to Today +
As above, except the item is always moved to today's date
Advance to First of Next Month +
As above, except the item is moved to the first day of the next month
Delete +
Deletes the item. By default a confirmation dialog is displayed (can be turned off with a preference setting). If the item is a repeat event, only the current instance of that event is deleted (unless the Event Selection List is being displayed from Find or Upcoming Alarms in which case the entire series is deleted). If you want to delete the entire series, you need to tap on the item in the Event Selection list and then delete it in the Edit Dialog (which will delete the entire series if All was selected in the Repeat Exception Dialog, or if the item has never been synced - in which case all changes are made as if All had been selected.
Find All Items in Group
If the item is in a group, then all items that are also in that same group are now displayed in a new event selection list.
Go To Display/Due Date
If the item is a normal event, the current view is redisplayed with that day showing as part of the view. If the item is a repeat series, the start date of the repeat series sets the day for display.
are “free-standing” floats that have no target event, and which may
have an optional DUE date. These would normally be floating events
created directly by the user.
Go to Display/Due Date will then
(a) if there is a due date, go to the Due date, or (b) if there is no
due date, go to the display date of the Floating event.
are “Advance Reminders” (which are also just floating events), but they
are typically created by Pimlical itself as advances on a “target”
event. Such events have a pointer to the event that spawned the
advance, so they have a target date which is the date of the original event that spawned the reminder.
Go To Display/Due Date will then (a) go to the DUE Date if there is a due date, or (b) if there is no Due Date and there is a target event (which still exists) go to the start
date of the target event. If the reminder was generated as an advance on a repeat series, the date would
be the start date of the repeat series) or (c) if there is no Due date and no valid target event, it will then go to the display date of the Float itself.
Save as Template
The item is saved as a quick entry template. You can edit or delete the quick entry template from the Event Selection Dialog.
Set Link to Contact Record
When selected, the built-in contacts application is invoked to display a list of all your contacts. Select the contact that you want to link to. To remove the link, go into the Edit Dialog and click on Edit Links and remove the link.
Set Link to Memo
When selected, a list of all your memos is displayed.. Select the memo that you want to link to. To remove the link, go into the Edit Dialog and click on Edit Links and remove the link.
Show Linked Contact (and/or memos)
If the selected item has a linked contact or memo, the contact details or memo will then be displayed. If there are two or more linked items, a list is presented of all links so you can pick the link you want. Memos have the legend (Memo) ahead of the link to identify them from contacts.
Show Meeting Attendees
If there are attendees to a designated meeting, the attendees are displayed and you can add/remove/email attendees, etc.
Show All Repeat Instances
This command will find all instances of a repeat - most importantly it will find all the exceptions to a repeat series whether created by editing just an instance, or by using the irregular repeat feature. You can select either the repeat series itself, or any instance of the repeat series to find all the other occurrences. Note that the instances of an irregular repeat series are separate events - you cannot apply a change to all the instances directly. If you need to do that, consider using Pimlical/Desktop which has a Change function which can apply to any number of events selected in Advanced Find.
Toggle Alarm +
Toggles the Alarm on the selected item. If there is no alarm, a single alarm is set at the event time. if the item already has one or more alarms, all alarms are removed.
Share Event Text +
The text of the selected item is presented to any Android application that can handle the sharing of plain text. The actual information from the selected item is formatted by a template (sharedetailstemplate.txt in the Pimlical Folder - see help section Share Details Template on the format of this template if you are a power user and wish to change it).
Forwards/Backwards by Date
When selected, the advance Time Picker dialog (Duration dialog) appears so you can pick a date based upon it being some number of days/weeks/months before (negative value) or after (positive value) the date in the Event Selection List. If the list is not associated with a specific day (i.e. it was displayed to show upcoming alarms, items linking to a contact, etc.) then today's date is used as the basis for the offset.
Remove Snooze Alarm +
When selected, this command will remove all pending snooze alarms associated with the selected event. No other alarms, or snoozed alarms on other events are affected by this command.
Copy Selected Item(s) +
This command copies the selected event(s) into a special list from which it can be subsequently pasted. Existing items that may already be in the list are not affected by this command. This command can be used to copy one or more items (multi-select mode) between different calendars. For example, it can be used to retrieve items that were inadvertently purged: just select the PimlicalArchiveCalendar and add all the items you want to restore to the list, switch back to the local calendar and then paste them back into the calendar. The multi-select button is especially useful for this function as it makes it easy to quickly select a group of items in an event selection list.
Note: the commands to copy and paste items should be used in a single session as the clipboard that remembers these items is not persistent (i.e. don't copy an item and come back two days later to try and paste it and expect it to still be there!).
Copy ALL Items In List
This command copies all the events in the current list into a special list from which it can be subsequently pasted. Existing items that may already be in the list are not affected by this command. This is equivalent to using Multi-Select Mode with all items selected and then using the COPY SELECTED ITEM(s) command.
Clear Copy Items List
This command clears the special list from which items can be subsequently pasted. Note that copying and pasting items never clears the list, so you need to use this command before starting a new set of copy/paste functions.
Paste Items
This command pastes all the items that were previously copied into the special list with the Copy Selected Item and Copy All Items In List commands.
Set Link to File
This command opens up a File Navigation dialog that allows you to browse through files in the local filing system on your Android Device. At the top of the list (if applicable) will be the parent folder, indicated with two periods. Below that are all the files and sub-folders in that folder. Folders always start with a slash character so they can be easily distinguished from files and generally appear at the top of the list (everything is sorted into alphanumeric order). When you tap on a file to select it, Pimlical automatically appends the tag FILE:// and the full path to the file you selected to the end of the note field. This will also result in the hyperlink icon (Share Calendar Event +
This command will share either one event or, in multi-selection mode, multiple events with any application that can handle file attachments - in most cases you would likely select an email application, but any application that presents itself in the subsequent selection screen can be used. The events are written into a standard iCalendar file with the filename Pimlical_Calendar_Events.ics. This file is also stored in the Pimlical folder on the Android device.Compare Calendar Events +
This command can only be used in Multi-select mode when two items are selected. Pimlical will then compare the two events and note every single discrepancy between them. This can be helpful in diagnosing issues with duplicate events (i.e. they may look similar, but what exactly is different about them?).Toggle Private +
If the item(s) was marked as private, it is now marked as non-private, otherwise, the item(s) is made private.
Toggle Busy
If the item(s) had a Type field of Busy, it is changed to Free. Otherwise if any other Type (Tentative, Free or Out of Office), it is changed to Busy.
Shift Times Forwards/Backwards +
All selected item(s) can be advanced forwards or backwards by any number of weeks/days/hours/minutes. If the item is untimed, the item is only shifted by days and it remains untimed.
Change Timezone +
The timezone of all selected item(s) can be set to a new timezone value. This adjusts both the Start and End Times to that timezone, and if the item is a floating event or task, it will also change the timezone of the due date.Change Category +
The category (or calendar) of all selected item(s) can be set to a new calendar or category. This command is only permitted if the preference MultipleCategorySelection is set to its default value of False. If a calendar is selected (i.e. it has the A_ prefix on its name), then the item is MOVED into that calendar and removed from the old calendar (or if it is moved from an Android calendar to the Local calendar).The priority of all selected item(s) is set to the new, selected priority level
Change Urgency +
The urgency of all selected item(s) is set to the new, selected urgency level
Change Group +
The group selection(s) of all selected item(s) is set to the new, selected set of groups.
Change Color +
The foreground and background color selection(s) of all selected item(s) are set to the new, selected color.
Change Font +
The custom Font selection(s) of all selected item(s) is set to the new, selected custom font.
Change Date +
The start date (and time) of all selected item(s) is set to the new, selected date. The end date is automatically adjusted to preserve the duration of the event. Similar changes are made to the repeat specification (on repeat items) to ensure the repeat is still viable (for example, if a weekly repeat, the day of the week is adjusted to reflect the new date).
Toggle Absent +
Toggle the status of the event to Absent (from whatever the current status is) and back to Normal.
Copy DescriptionCopies the description of the selected event to the Android system clipboard.
Copy Note
Copies the note of the selected event to the Android system clipboard.
Copy LocationCopies the Location field of the selected event to the Android system clipboard.
Set Meeting Status
Displays a selection dialog of Status Types for the Meeting dialog and then sets the status type of all the participants in that meeting to that value (except for the Chair/Organizer whose status remains unchanged by this command).
Set Meeting Role
Displays a selection dialog of Roles for the Meeting dialog and then sets the role of all the participants in that meeting to that value (except for the Chair/Organizer whose role remains unchanged by this command).
Show Meeting Attendees
Displays a list of all the Attendees for the meeting associated with the selected event.
Event Attributes +
Takes all the information for the selected event(s) and creates a text file in the Pimlical folder with all the attributes of those events. Always use this command when contacting Tech Support with an issue about a specific event.
Internal Record Details
Displays internal information for the selected item, primarily for debugging/testing - not normally displayed by default. For example, if you needed to know precisely WHEN the item was created, you can use this command to view the creation date of the item.
Customizing the Popup Command List
see Preference: PopupListCommandsForEvent in the section: [Commands and Functions] to select which commands you want to see and in what order they are displayed). If you use a certain command very frequently (such as Show Linked Contact) you may wish to move that to the top of the list so you can access it quickly without scrolling.
There is a separate preference, PopupListCommandsForMultiSelect which defines which popup commands are available when multiple items are selected (this list is different because some functions such as Display Details would make no sense with multiple items selected.