Pimlical Android Help

Display Screen Template Formats

The Details view in Pimlical formats an appointment or a contact for a nice read-only display of information. These views, however, are not hard-wired as you might normally expect. They are in fact created from a format specifiation in a text file that the user has access to and which can be modified.

Now it goes without saying that this feature is for power users and not something that every user is expected to be able to handle! However, you can easily restore the original template from the install folder if you get stuck, and since you can make a small change and immediately see the result in Pimlical, neither is it quite as difficult as it might appear at first. All screen display templates use an identical command set which is described below.

The display in the Details view is completely user-defined from a template file with the name: DetailsScreenDisplayTemplate.txt. The template file consists of free-form text which can be formatted, field specifications which pull information from the selected record, and some special drawing commands to draw and fill rectangles, which can be used to create background panes, drop-shadow effects, borders etc. Task Views are formatted with a template called TasksScreenDisplayTemplate.txt

Similarly the display of a contact in the Contacts View is defined from a template file with the name LocalContactsScreenDisplayTemplate.txt (Note: if you are using Pimlical/Desktop and the old MDB databases, the file is called ContactsScreenDisplayTemplate.txt). Be sure to edit the file in the User Profile Folder (see path in the About dialog if you are unsure where this is). Do not edit the file with the same name from the Install Folder as you will use that to restore the file if it gets corrupted or you make a mistake that you do not know how to correct. In that event, just copy the file from the Install folder to the User Folder and you will have restored it to its original install default.

Formatting in the Template File

There are commands which simply take a field from the database and format it for display on the screen, and other commands that perform conditional tests to see if a field is present. The conditional tests make it possible to suppress the display of a field label if the field itself is blank.

The table below shows the available formatting commands:

Drawing CommandDescription
Fills a rectangle at X,Y with W-idth and H-eight in a color specified by an RGB string. A value of 0 for the width means extend to the right edge of the dialog (a negative value offsets to the left from that edge). A value of 0 for the height means extend to the bottom edge of the dialog (again with a negative value signifying an offset). In the example here, the entire dialog background is painted in an off-white color (Pure white would be 255,255,255).
[DrawRectangle,x,y,w,h,R-G-B] As above except only the frame of the rectangle is drawn in the specified color.
[DisplayAt,x,y,w,h,just,fmt,font,color]Displays all prior text (back to last DisplayAt or field specifiation) at the designated X/Y coordinates with W-idth and H-eight and justified left/right/center. Format (fmt) is always ignored in this command, but the Font (in the standard font format) and color as an RGB string can be present. Trailing spaces are always stripped from the string and line endings are ignored.
[{field}x,y,w,h,just,fmt,font,color]Displays the field {field} from the current record. {field} is one of the fieldnames specified in the Table below. The remaining parameters are identical to those used in the DisplayAt command.
[DisplayUserIcons,x,y]Displays User Icons at position X,Y on the screen. User Icons are drawn from left-to-right. A negative X value indicates the starting position is X pixels from the right edge of the screen.
[DisplaySystemIcons,x,y]Displays System Icons at position X,Y on the screen. System icons are drawn from right-to-left. A negative X value indicates the starting position is X pixels from the right edge of the screen.
[DrawLine,x1,y1,x2,y2,color]Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with an optional color specified.
[DrawLineTo,x,y,color]Draws a line from end of last line drawn to relativel position (x,y) with an optional color specified.

An RGB string consists of three decimal numbers in the range 0-255 separated by hyphens. For example, 255-0-0 is pure red (Red component is 255 - the maximum value, while blue and green components are 0), 0-0-0 is pure black and 255-255-255 is pure white, 0-0-255 is pure blue, etc. If in doubt, you can go into Pimlical’s Preferences, pick any color preference and play around with the slider to see what colors are generated by various numbers.

Field Specification

A field specifiation pulls information from the record using a field name (see Table below with all the names of the fields) along with positional and formatting information in this format:

x,y are the X/Y coordinates on the screen in absolute pixels, while width and height define the width and the height of the rectangular region in which the field information will be drawn. Long text (such as description or note text) will be word-wrapped to multiple lines if the height of the container provided is sufiient to display the text and the format character is set to the vertical bar (|).

Negative values for these four parameters have an important special meaning here:

X: negative value of -N means this items starts N pixels after the end of the prior item.
Y: negative value of -N means this item starts N pixels below the prior item.
Width: negative value of -N means this item extends to the current right edge of the dialog screen, less N pixels. A 0 value means use the current right margin of the screen.
Height: negative value of -N means this item extends to the current bottom of the dialog screen, less N pixels. A 0 value means use the bottom of the screen (but this is extended as far as as is needed to accomodate all text since the screen can scroll).

The above four parameters must always be present. The remaining parameters below are optional and may be omitted.

Justify is a single character ( < is left-justify, > is right-justify, = is center-justify, and | is left-justify using multiple lines if necessary).

Format is a single digit which provides additional control over the formatting of items. For Date items, 1 is short date format, 2 is medium date format and 3 is long date format. For Time items, 1 is short time format and 2 is long Time Format.

Font - specifies the font to be used in the standard font format of {FontName}-{Style}-{size} - so for example, “Arial-Bold-18” would specify an 18pt. bold Arial font.

Color - specifies the color to be used as an RGB value and defined by three numbers in the range 0-255 separated by hyphens, so for example, 255-0-0 would be pure Red, 0-0-255 would be Blue, 0-0-0 is black, 255-255-255 is white, etc.

If the characters [ ] { } need to be used in the free-form text, use a backslash in front of them so they are not interpreted as being a special character. For examle:  \} would not prematurely end a conditional range.

Conditional Commands

In many cases, one does not want to display any text or a field if the field is blank or has some default value. So Pimlical includes conditional commands to test whether or not a field has something of interest.

A list of all the conditional commands is in the following table. Note that the use of negative parameters on the x/y/w/h coordinates are important as absolutely positioning would leave ‘holes’ if these conditional commands are used. In general, only the fist item should have absolute coordinates. Every subsequent item should use relative positioning commands.

IfString conditionals can be nested to any level (i.e. a conditional can be included inside another conditional). For example, in the example below, the location and status fields will never appear if the custom1 field is blank (colors are used here to make nesting more obvious)::

Location: [DisplayAt,0,-20,90,0,>,0,Arial-Bold-12][location,-10,0,0,0,<]
Status: [DisplayAt,0,-20,90,0,>,0,Arial-Bold-12][Status,-10,0,0,0,<]
End custom 1}

Note that you can put a comment in front of a closing brace and it will be ignored - this can be helpful in documenting the
template when you are nesting conditional items so you know what item the closing brace goes with

Reversing the conditional test

You can reverse the meaning of an If conditional by putting the tilde character (~) in front of the if command as shown below:


Location: [DisplayAt,0,-20,90,0,>,0,Arial-Bold-12][location,-10,0,0,0,<]

This would only include the location field for untimed events. Without the tilde, this would only include the location field for
timed events.

Table of Field Names for the Calendar/Tasks Database

Database Field Description
ApptStartDate Start Date for appointment (native date)
ApptStartTime Start Time for appointment (native time)
AdjustedApptStartDate Start Date as adjusted by timezone adjustment
AdjustedApptStartTimeStart Time as adjusted by timezone adjustment
ApptEndDate End Date for appointment (native date)
ApptEndTime End Time for appointment (native time)
AdjustedApptEndDate End Date as adjusted by timezone adjustment
AdjustedApptEndTime End Time as adjusted by timezone adjustment
PrimaryAlarm Primary Alarm as Duration String
SecondaryAlarm Secondary Alarm as Duration String
Repeat Description of the repeat specification present
Description Description field for event (aka "title' or 'Summary')
Note Note Field for event (aka 'description' in other calendars)
Location Location of event (could also be a linked, phone#)
Status Status (Normal, Canceled, Completed, Deferred)
Type Type (Busy, Free, Tentative, Out Of Office)
ApptType Regular (“Appt”) or Floating event (“Float”)
FloatingDueDate Due date of Floating event
Categories List of category names
Advance Advance on item as a Duration String
CustomAlarm Text of the custom Alarm field
ForeColor Foreground Color as an RGB Value
BackColor Background Color as an RGB Value
Priority Priority of event
Urgency Urgency of event
Secret returns “Private” or “Public” if set/clear
CustomField1 Custom Field contents
CustomField2 Custom Field contents
CustomField3 Custom Field contents
CustomField4 Custom Field contents
ActionTags List of all Action Tags associated with event
CreationDate Date on which event was created
Creator User ID of individual creating event
Modifier User ID of individual creating event
ModificationDate Date on which item was last modified
DirtyFlag True if this event was modifid on the most recent editing pass
Deleted True if the item was deleted
Duration The duration of the event as a standard Pimlical Duration (not actually a field in the database - calculated from Start and End date/times).

Table of  Conditional Commands for the Calendar/Tasks Database

The  table below includes all the conditional commands that can be used with the calendar database. The meaning in the right-hand
column can be reversed in all cases below by putting tilde character (~) in front of the if:

Conditional Name
 Includes following items if the current record...
ifNotehas a Note Field (or with Tilde(~) does not have a note field
ifRepeathas a repeat specification
ifLocationhas a location (or phone number in location field) specified
ifCategoryhas a category other than Unfiled (or with Tilde(~) in the Unfiled category)
ifCustom1has a non-blank Custom 1 field
ifCustom2has a non-blank Custom 2 field
ifCustom3has a non-blank Custom 3 field
ifCustom4has a non-blank Custom 4 field
ifAlarm1has a primary alarm set
ifAlarm2has a secondary alarm set
ifFloatis a floating event
ifStatushas a status type of other than Normal (or with Tilde(~) status type is Normal
ifTypehas a type of other than Busy
ifAdvancehas an advance set on it
ifGroupbelongs to a group (GroupKey field non-blank)
ifPriorityhas a priority set
ifUrgencyhas an urgency set
ifuserIconhas one or more user icons set
ifSystemIconhas one or more system icons set
ifDateDiffershas an event ending date different from the starting date
ifTimeDiffershas an event time different from the starting time
iifTimedis a timed event
ifPastDueis a past-due floating event or task (appts are always treated as not past-due

Table of Field Names  for the Contacts Database

DeletedTrue if the Contact was Deleted
Modification_dateThe date on which the contact was last modified
Modification_date_existsTrue if there is a modification date for this contact
Creation_dateThe date on which the contact was created in the database
Creation_date_existsTrue if there is a creation date for this contact
Last_access_dateThe date on which the contact was last accessed
Last_access_date_existsTrue if there is a date on which the contact was last accessed
PrefixContents of the Prefix field
First_nameThe first name of the contact
Middle_nameThe middle name of the contact
Last_nameThe last name of the contact
SuffixContents of the Suffix field
Nick_nameNick name of the contact
AnniversaryDate of the Anniversary field for the contact
Anniversary_existsTrue if this contact has an anniversary date
BirthdayDate fo the birthday for the contact
Birthday_existsTrue if this contact has a birthday
Anniversary_alarm_setTrue if an alarm was set for the anniversary of this contact
Anniversary_alarm_advThe advance in days (ahead of the anniversary date) for which the alarm is to be set
Birthday_alarm_setTrue if an alarm was set for the birthday of this contact
Birthday_alarm_advThe advance in days (ahead of the birthday date) for which the alarm is to be set
SecretTrue if this contact is marked as secret
CategoryThe category (or list of categories separated by commas) to which this contact belongs
NoteContents of the Note field
ProfessionContents of the Profession field
CompanyName of the company
JobTitleJob Title fo this contact
Street_1The street number from the first address field
City_1City from the first address field
State_1State from the first address field
Zip_1Zip/Postal Code from the first address field
Country_1Country from the first address field
Street_2Same as above for Second address field...
Street_3Same as above for Third address field...
Street_4Same as above for Fourth address field...
AddressLabel_1The label for the first address field (Home, work, etc.)
AddressLabel_2The label for the second address field (Home, work, etc.)
AddressLabel_3The label for the third address field (Home, work, etc.)
AddressLabel_4The label for the fourth address field (Home, work, etc.)
Phone_1First Phone number
Phone_2Second Phone number
Phone_3Third Phone number
Phone_4Fourth Phone number
Phone_5Fifth Phone number
Phone_6Sixth Phone number
Phone_7Seventh Phone number
Phone_8Eighth Phone number
PhoneLabel_1First Phone number Label field (Work, Home, Mobile, etc.)
PhoneLabel_2Second Phone number Label field (Work, Home, Mobile, etc.)
PhoneLabel_3Third Phone number Label field (Work, Home, Mobile, etc.)
PhoneLabel_4Fourth Phone number Label field (Work, Home, Mobile, etc.)
PhoneLabel_5Fifth Phone number Label field (Work, Home, Mobile, etc.)
PhoneLabel_6Sixth Phone number Label field (Work, Home, Mobile, etc.)
PhoneLabel_7Seventh Phone number Label field (Work, Home, Mobile, etc.)
PhoneLabel_8Eighth Phone number Label field (Work, Home, Mobile, etc.)
Preferred_labelThe label which is used by default for displaying the contact
Email_1First Email address
Email_2Second Email address
Email_3Third Email address
Email_4Fourth Email address
Email_5Fifth Email address
Email_6Sixth Email address
EmailLabel_1First Email address Label (Work, home, etc.)
EmailLabel_2Second Email address Label (Work, home, etc.)
EmailLabel_3Third Email address Label (Work, home, etc.)
EmailLabel_4Fourth Email address Label (Work, home, etc.)
EmailLabel_5Fifth Email address Label (Work, home, etc.)
EmailLabel_6Sixth Email address Label (Work, home, etc.)
Custom_1Contents of the first Custom Contact Field
Custom_2Contents of the second Custom Contact Field
Custom_3Contents of the third Custom Contact Field
Custom_4Contents of the fourth Custom Contact Field
Custom_5Contents of the fifth Custom Contact Field
Custom_6Contents of the sixth Custom Contact Field
Custom_7Contents of the seventh Custom Contact Field
Custom_8Contents of the eighth Custom Contact Field
Custom_9Contents of the ninth Custom Contact Field
CustomLabel_1Label for the first Custom Contact field
CustomLabel_2Label for the second Custom Contact field
CustomLabel_3Label for the third Custom Contact field
CustomLabel_4Label for the fourth Custom Contact field
CustomLabel_5Label for the fifth Custom Contact field
CustomLabel_6Label for the sixth Custom Contact field
CustomLabel_7Label for the seventh Custom Contact field
CustomLabel_8Label for the eighth Custom Contact field
CustomLabel_9Label for the ninth Custom Contact field
UrlContents of the URL field (example: www.pimlicosoftware.com)
PhotoBase-64 encoded representation of the contact's picture (probably not useful to display!)
Picture_filenameThe filename for the contact photo (if linked, rather than embedded)
RingtoneName/Path of the custom Ringtone associated with this contact
Unique_idContents of the UniqueID field for this contact
FavoriteTrue if this contact is a favorite
Custom_vcardsAll the custom vCard statements (statements not defined in the vCard standard)
InactiveTrue if this contact is inactive
VersionStringNot implemented at this time (for possible future use of defining the version of Pimlical used to create this contact?)
FullnameThe full name of the contact (assembled from other fields) as first name, middle name, last name
CompanyOrNameThe company name, but if no company name, use the full name instead
NameorCompanyFull name, but if that is blank, use the company name instead
LastNameFirstFull Name as Last name, comma, first name, middle name

Table of Conditional Commands for the Contacts Database

The  table below includes all the conditional commands that can be used with the Contacts database. The meaning in the right-hand column can be reversed in all cases below by putting tilde character (~) in front of the if:

ifDeletedTrue if the contact was deleted
ifModification_dateTrue if the contact has a modification date
ifCreation_dateTrue if the contact has a creation date
ifLast_access_dateTrue if the contact has a last access date
ifPrefixTrue if the contact has an explicit Prefix field
ifFirst_nameTrue if the contact has a first name
ifMiddle_nameTrue if the contact has a middle name
ifLast_nameTrue if the contact has a last name
ifSuffixTrue if the contact has a suffix
ifNick_nameTrue if the contact has a nickname
ifAnniversaryTrue if there is an anniversary date for this contact
ifBirthdayTrue if there is a birthday set for this contact
ifAnniversary_alarm_setTrue if the anniversary has an alarm set
ifAnniversary_alarm_advTrue if the anniversary alarm has an advance set on it
ifBirthday_alarm_setTrue if the birthday has an alarm set
ifBirthday_alarm_advTrue if the birthday alarm has an advance set on it
ifSecretTrue if the contact is marked as secret
ifCategoryTrue if the contact is assigned to a category other than Unfiled
ifNoteTrue if the contact has a note field
ifProfessionTrue if the contact has a Profession field
ifCompanyTrue if the contact has a Company field
ifJobtitleTrue if the contact has a Job Title
ifStreet_1True if the contact has a non-blank street set in the First address field
ifCity_1True if the contact has a non-blank city name set in the First address field
ifState_1True if the contact has a non-blank State set in the First address field
ifZip_1True if the contact has a non-blank Zip/Postal Code set in the First address field
ifCountry_1True if the contact has a non-blank Country set in the First address field
ifStreet_2same as above for the second address field
ifStreet_3same as above for the third address field
ifStreet_4same as above for the fourth address field
ifAddressLabel_1True if the first address field has a label value
ifPhone_1True if the first phone field has a phone number
ifPhoneLabel_1True if the first phone field has a label name
ifPreferredLabelTrue if there is a preferred label set for this contact
ifEmail_1True if the first Email field has an email address
ifEmailLabel_1True if the first Email field has a label
ifCustom_1True if the first custom field is non-blank