The Pimlical Widget is now an integral part of the Pimlical Calendar Application. This is a new, subscription-only feature. The old standalone widget does not work with V-4.0 as it does not use scoped storage, nor does it cater to the new functionality in V-4.0.
Installing the Widget
The Widget installs in the same manner as any other Android Widget. Before installing though, make sure that you launch Pimlical/Android and make sure that it is left in a main view (i.e. do not open up a dialog and then switch to the home screen with the dialog left on the screen!). Then long-press an empty spot on a home screen, select WIDGETS from the popup menu, navigate to PimlicalA and drag the Pimlical Widget onto the home screen. At that point, the Widget Settings screen appears where you can configure the widget.
This Settings screen allows you to configure some of the attributes for the widget. This configuration screen displays on installation of the widget, or when the Pimlical logo (at top left) is tapped. This widget will work with both the standard Android calendar as well as Pimlico Software's local calendar. For more Information on Pimlical/Android - a Personal Information Manager that supports advanced calendar functions as well as a local contacts and memos database on both Android and Windows Desktops, see
The Settings dialog displays the current version of the Widget in the title bar of the dialog (in the example above, the version is 3.7.01).
The attributes you can set are:
Refresh interval
This setting determines how often the widget re-reads the calendar. The widget only refreshes when the device is powered on, so setting a short interval of 15 minutes or so should not impact battery usage significantly (the Android OS imposes an absolute lower limit of 15 minutes for the refresh interval). When refreshing pimlical will read all the currently selected Android calendars as well as Pimlical/Android's local calendar (if present). You can actually set any value you like for this item by going into P/A and adjusting the Preference: WidgetRefreshInterval. Note that with more recent versions of the Android OS, you must disable battery optimization as otherwise no background tasks can be run by the app (in which case the Widget won't be able to refresh itself). This setting is in the Android OS System Settings (and you should be aware of this issue as it affects all Android apps that need to run a background task). Note too, that you cannot make changes or view calendar items in P/A while the Widget is refreshing, so setting a brief period like 15m might interfere with your use of Pimlical.Text Rows
The widget can display from 1 to 25 text rows (one text row for each event/task) depending on the available space. The default setting is Auto which attempts to calculate a reasonable number of rows for the display. It is quite likely that you will want to set a precise value which is optimal for your particular device - in that case, tap OK and look at the widget to see how many text rows would fit (don't forget that there is a row at the bottom for the next, upcoming alarm). Then tap the Pimlical logo and this time use the dropdown list to set the optimal number of rows for the display. The widget is resizable (after tapping OK in the Settings screen, long-press the widget and resize handles will appear that allow you to resize the widget both horizontally and vertically). Some Android devices, (such as Samsung) have proprietary code in the Android OS and may require a fixed setting. If you have the number of rows set to Auto and the size does not appear to be correct on installation, try tap&hold (which invokes resize handles) and release (some Samsung devices then report the correct size and will expand to fill the space). If that fails to set the correct number of text rows, pick an appropriate, explicit value from the dropdown list.Transparency
This setting controls the transparency of the background of the widget. A value of 0 is totally opaque, while 100 would be totally transparent. You can adjust the transparency either by moving the slider, or tapping the button and keying in an exact value. Some Android devices don't handle transparency properly due to failure to properly implement the Android OS and instead just display an opaque background. There is no workaround for this issue at this time.Typesize
This dropdown list sets the typesize for the text displayed in the widget. Whatever size you pick is used for the description fields. The date line at top and alarm line at bottom are scaled to approximately 110% of whatever value you pick for the description lines. if you use a typesize of 12 or less, the full date is displayed (Monday, January 1, 2016). If you pick 13 or 14, only the first three letters of the day of week and month are displayed (Mon, Jan 1 2016). If 16/18/20, then the date is displayed in medium format (1/1/2016) and if a fontsize larger than 24 is selected, then only the month and day are displayed (1/1).12 Hour Clock
Check this box to display times in 12 hour format with am/pm indicator. Uncheck the box to display times in 24-hour format.White Text
By default, Pimlical displays all the text with black type. Check this box to use white for the type instead - this may work better when using a transparent background over a dark graphic.
Show Quick Entry Template Button [Q]
Hide All Top Row Widget Buttons
If this checkbox is checked, all the top row buttons in the Widget are hidden. To restore those buttons, you will of course have to remove and reinstall the Widget as the only way to get to the configuration screen otherwise is to use the logo button (which this option hides!). This option may be useful to some users who want as much space as possible for the calendar and don't care about the launch functionality available in the widget itself.Use Event/Category Colors
If this checkbox is checked, the text color for the event will be taken from the event's custom text color (if it has one), or if not, from the category that the event is in. If the foreground text color is the default color (i.e. pure black), and the background is not the default background color (Pure White), then the background color will be used for the text color of the event.Settings Buttons
The Done
button applies all the current settings and launches the Widget (to
just VIEW the current configuration settings without launching the
widget, see Exit button below).
The Reset
button resets all the settings back to the way they were when you
invoked the Settings dialog, use this if you want to exit the Settings
dialog without changing anything, as it will discard any unsaved
changes that you might have made.
The Info
button brings up this help file that you are now reading. You can also
use this button as a way to exit out of the Configuration dialog without invoking a refresh on the widget.
A small Exit button
appears near the bottom of the dialog after the widget has been
installed and the Pimlical Icon is tapped (to change the configuration
settings). This button will exit the configuration dialog without
triggering an automatic refresh of the Widget. It appears just below
the date and time of the last Widget Refresh and, if there was a
problem, the reason why the refresh did not take place (typically to
avoid some problem interaction with PImlical/Android).
Other Settings
The selection of events to display in the widget is actually controlled by a Pimlical Filter with the name Widget. If you have Pimlical/Android calendar installed, you can edit the filter to basically filter events in any way that you want. For example, by default the filter only includes future timed events, but you can easily change the filter to include untimed events, only include events in certain calendars or categories in the local calendar, etc. If you have Pimlical Local calendar installed, you can also choose to hide floating events and/or tasks in the widget display, or hide or display the text of private events (private events are normally masked). Or perhaps you prefer to see only floating events and tasks that are currently due and not those that are due in the future.
For even more control, you can check the box in the Repeat Tab of the Filter/Edit dialog to indicate that the Widget filter has a custom preference file - with that, the widget can have its own set of preferences completely separate from those used in Pimlical/Android (for example, you could set up Pimlical/Android to use the Short Description feature, but not use that in the widget itself, or you could hide all alarms in the Widget, but still have them display in Pimlical/Android). You may wish to do this if you are an advanced user and using custom preference files attached to filters which potentially modify the default preference settings (if you do that, the Widget will use the default preferences, and might end up displaying something different from what you expect).
By default, the widget will attempt to use the ShortDescription field of an event rather than the full description. To avoid this behavior, set the preference UseShortDescriptions to false. Note, however that will also restrict the use of Short Descriptions in P/A as well since you are changing the Default Preferences. If you want to change the behavior for the Widget only, then edit the Widget filter and go the last tab on the second line (Repeat Rule and View) and check the box SAVE CUSTOM PREFERENCES WITH FILTER and tap OK. Then tap on the Widget filter, which will then also invoke the custom preference file for the widget (Widget.txt, and backups etc.). Then change the preference: UseShortDescriptions to false. That way you can still use short descriptions in P/A but avoid them in the Widget display.
Default Widget Filter Settings
Only future Items are displayed
Exclude canceled Items
Exclude completed Items
Exclude deferred items (from P/D only at this time)
Only timed events are included (Untimed/AllDay excluded)
Set date to FIXED, actual starting date does not matter, what matter is the DATE RANGE:
Range = up to 31 days into the future (Set the End date X days after
the Start date, where X is the number of days you want to display in
the Widget.
All these settings can be modified by editing the Widget filter in Pimlical/Android. And by checking the box to save a custom preference file with the filter (as indicated above for handling Short Descriptions) you can make custom changes to any Pimlical preference and have them only apply to the widget and not other filters in P/A (such as P/A's Default filter).
If you run into problems with the widget (especially if you were making extensive modifications to the Widget filter, etc.), you can always get back to a known good condition with this procedure:Last Revised:22Jan2016