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 Advanced Calendar & PIM Software for Desktop and Handheld Computers 
HomePimlical/Desktop Features
Pimlical/Desktop Features
  • Available on virtually all Desktop Platforms (Windows/Linux/Mac) with identical code and data files and a single installer program
  • Integrated display of appointments, tasks, memos and contacts
  • Sync directly between desktop and Android phone using DirectSync (via USB cable or WiFi network) or Via AutoSync using Cloud-based Server.
  • Ability to filter display or find items based upon any database field
  • Customize items with colors, fonts, icons, images, advances
  • Up to five alarms, before and after event, with custom sounds or custom actions including launching applications
  • Fast keyboard entry of events
  • Day, multi-day, week, month and multi-month and list views all with direct editing and drag & drop support
  • Advanced find and filter and ability to change any field on all selected events
  • Grouping and linking of events and tasks to memos and contacts
  • Automatic logging of all actions, tracking by date and individual
  • Printouts of any view
  • Multi-level sort of appointments and tasks
  •  (date/priority/urgency/alphanumeric/status/type, etc.)
  • Simple import of dates from Ascii Text File
  • Quick Entry Templates for entering new events and tasks
  • Dual timezones for start/end event including Home Timezone
  • Daily Journal including automatic logging of completed events/tasks
  • Hiding and masking of Secret events with password protection
  • Undelete, Undo last move, retrieve last alarm
  • Hundreds of preference settings allow extensive customization
  • Priority and Urgency settings for both tasks and events
  • Floating events™, reminders and Priority pane ensure no event is forgotten
  • Alarms and reminders can be set to trigger after the event as well as before
  • Display in calendar of photographs or images associated with an event.
  • Full access to memos and contacts
  • Optional view of Tasks in a separate pane which can be displayed side-by-side with calendar
  • Former Palm users can easily migrate their calendar data to other devices using the iCalendar export function (registered versions only).
Installing the Latest Release of Pimlical/Desktop

There is a single install file which works on all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux). It installs an identical program on all platforms and all data files, preferences, etc. are also compatible across all platforms. To launch the installer, simply double-click the downloaded Jar file (If you do not have Java installed, you will need to do that first - install either the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Java as appropriate for your platform). The download link for the latest version of Pimlical/Desktop is at the very bottom of this web page.

If you using DirectSync, be sure that you have the latest official releases of BOTH Pimlical/Desktop and Pimlical/Android. Trying to use the current release of P/D with an old release of P/A or vice-versa is not likely to work.

When uninstalling, the Pimlico folder with the local databases and preferences is never automatically removed, so just manually remove that folder if you also want to remove all your calendar data and preferences.

Pimlical will run in trial mode for approximately 30 days if not registered. To purchase a license for Pimlical/Desktop or to get the link for the current release, click here.

WINDOWS:  Java Version 7 is required if syncing with an old Palm OS device or upgrading from an older version of Pimlical/Desktop that was reading the old Palm, MDB databases, otherwise use latest Java 8 release. See FAQ's for Pimlical/Desktop for more information on that topic.  When upgrading for the first time using the new Java-based installer, be sure to uninstall the prior release using Windows Control Panel, Programs & Features, as this new version now installs into a different folder (either C:\Program Files (x86)\PimlicalApp, or C:\Program FIles\PimlicalApp).

MACINTOSH: After installer finishes, you can double-click the PimlicalMacLaunchIcon.zip file icon which creates a Pimlical folder in which there is an Application launch icon. Drag and drop that icon into the Applications folder. You can then drag and drop that icon onto the Dock for quick access.

After the above steps, you can delete the PimlicalMacLaunchIcon.zip file and associated Pimlical folder.

If Java is not installed, in most cases, OSX will prompt to install a runtime environment and you can just let it proceed with doing that. Otherwise, visit: http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp to install a current runtime environment for the Mac. You should be running the latest version of Java 8.

Also, If you try to open an app that is not registered with Apple by an identified developer you may get a warning dialog. To override your security settings and open the app anyway:

  • In the Finder, locate the app you want to open. Don't use Launchpad to do this. Launchpad doesn't allow you to access the shortcut menu.
  • Press the Control key, then click the app icon, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.
  • Click Open.

You may also have to ensure that Pimlical can get through your Firewall if you have one installed.

To uninstall Pimlical, open the PimlicalApp folder in Applications folder and double-click the file: PimlicalUninstall.jar. You will also need to manually drag the Pimlical icon in the Applications folder into the trash.

MacOS Catalina introduced a new security feature (apparently on all subsequent versions of the Mac OS too) that changes the launch attributes from an executable file to a text edit file on some downloaded apps from sources other than the App Store.  The following link is to a YouTube video showing how to fix it (just apply this logic to Pimlical): OSX Catalina and "app cannot be opened" error when running the launcher - YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TtoOJjGpU 

LINUX:  These notes apply to Ubuntu and may/should apply to other Linux Distros. Pimlical needs to run under Java 8. It will not at this time run under Java 11 due to changes introduced that were not backwards-compatible. It is possible this may be addressed in a future release. All the Oracle, Linux downloads for Java 8 are available at this link.One Linux user indicated that the only way they were able to load Java 8 was from the synaaptic package manager in Linux, and the filename to look for is openjdk-8-jre.  Another user indicated that only Oracle's Java 8 appeared to work properly with Pimlical/Desktop. Some users may see an issue where a dialog window constantly gets narrower or shorterevery time it's opened - there is a workaround for this in the FAQ's: Desktop Version - (search for "linux").

If Java is not installed, you can issue these terminal commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default

When the installer exits, open a Terminal Window and issue this command:

sudo mv PimlicalApp /usr/local                       (and enter your password when requested)

You may need to make the PimlicalJavaInstallxxxx.jar file executable in order to run it. If you are upgrading an existing installation, or want to uninstall Pimlical, you will first need to remove the existing Pimlical folder with this command (you may want to copy/paste this command to be 100% certain you don't mistype it!):

sudo rm -r  /usr/local/PimlicalApp

DirectSync is a standard feature of Pimlical/Desktop that allows Pimlical/Desktop to sync directly to an Android device, bypassing the cloud. This works in conjunction with a local database on Pimlical/Android completely separate from the standard Android calendar database.

The sync can take place either via USB cable (on Windows PC via MTP (if Android device supports it) or USB Mass storage) or by WiFi/network using built-in HTTP Local sync (or you can use a WebDAV server if you prefer).

DirectSync can sync multiple Android devices - so you can sync your phone to Pimlical/Desktop and then sync to a tablet or another phone so that all devices have the same calendar.

The following screenshots were taken from a Pimlical Windows installation with the default settings. Keep in mind that Pimlical is highly configurable, so things like fonts, typesize, icons, colors and the screen configurations can all be changed by some 450+ preference settings and appear totally different from these samples.

[Pimlical Day View]

Pimlical's Day view. Note use of colors and fonts on individual appointments and small icons to identify events. Also you can attach photographs to events (so you know who is being fed on the PM Feed!). Events can be dragged and dropped to other time slots and the triangular nub at bottom can be dragged to change the duration of the event. The Item at 11am is a floating event™ which has been completed (checkmark in circle at end of line). The Link icon indicates this event is linked to a contact (which would provide the contact information for the USDA). The Saved Dates feature allows you to remember various dates in a dropdown list for quick selection later on. The Next Alarm pane always shows the next alarm to go off (and you can tap that button to see all the upcoming alarms). You can drag any item to the Priority pane where it will always be displayed along with the number of days left to the event from today. The Templates pane contains quick entry templates (drag and drop any item onto that pane and it becomes a template which can then be dropped back onto the calendar schedule to quickly create an event (along with intelligent adjustment of repeat events, due dates, etc.).


[Pimlical Day View 2]

Same View as above except the [<<] button was tapped which collapses the entire left pane to display more of the calendar itself. The left pane can be collapsed in any view by tapping the button or pressing Ctrl/V. You can switch views, go to today or enter new items with single keystrokes (T->Today, W->WeekView, M->MonthView, A->Appointment, F->Floating event™, etc.).


[Pimlical Multiday View]

Pimlical's Multiday (Day+) view can display anywhere from 2-14 days. The display can either start on any day, or can be locked to the start of the week (based upon a preference setting). Selected days can be shaded (in this case a preference is causing Saturday and Sunday to be shaded in a light green). Navigation buttons at top can shift display either by one day [<] or [>], or shift by the number of days being displayed [<<] or [>>].


[PImlical WeekView]

The Pimlical Weekly View shows 1, 2 or 4 weeks at a time in a fixed 7-day format starting with the start of week preference setting. Again this can be a more convenient display if there are many overlapped items which make a blocked-time type schedule more difficult to read. Week numbers are displayed at the top of each week (as well as being displayed in the date navigator panel on the left).


[Pimlical Month View]

Pimlical's Month view shows an entire month.  A blue arrow indicates more items on that day (tap the Blue arrow to display all items on that day in the left, Other Pane. You can also mouse over any day and see all the events in that pane. Days outside of the current month are displayed in a light gray. Note the Filters pane is set to only display appointments, which is why the Show Hidden Items button is displayed. Tapping this button toggles between displaying all items and only showing those items that passed by the currently selected filter. Note the weekends shaded by that preference setting, and that Today's date is highlighted with a light-yellow background (of course all these colors are configurable by the end user).


[Pimlical MultiMonth View]

Pimlical's MultiMonth View can display 2, 4, 6 or 12 months and is useful when a large screen is available. Even on this far-too-small-screen, the icons are helpful in seeing what events are on that day. In this case, the mouse hovered over April 15th and the left Other pane shows the three appointments on that day.



[Pimlical List View]

Pimlical's List view shows all events in a scrolling window. This is convenient when blocked-time is not required, or when viewing very busy schedules where all the overlaps in a blocked-time view hide too much information.


[Pimlical Create Event]

In the Day+ view, a click on a day or pressing the letter q brings up the quick entry dialog to quickly create an event or task.  A time can be read, so in this case, the event Dinner with Harry Glassman will be scheduled at 7pm on that day. The Edit button invokes the comprehensive Edit dialog which allows any attribute of the item to be set or changed.


[Pimlical Edit Dialog]

Pimlical's Edit dialog allows any attribute of the appointment or task to be set or changed. Dual alarms are supported which can be set both before and after the event. Advance Notice creates an advance warning of an event as a reminder which is a Floating Event™ that downcounts to the event. This event is in the Astronomy category (an event can be in any number of categories and up to 255 categories are supported).  Up to four icons can be explicitly assigned to each event (in addition to a default icon that can be associated with any category). The Note pane allows an extensive note to be attached, while the Advanced section covers specialized items like custom alarm sounds or actions, attaching a custom image, or displaying the audit trail information (when an event was last modified and by whom).


[Pimlical Repeat Dialog]

Pimlical's repeat dialog has five buttons at top to quickly set a simple repeat with a single tap. For an advanced repeat specification, there are the usual options for repeat, plus a special Irregular repeat option which handles non-standard repeat schedules. Also there is an option to only show the next occurrence of an event, and the repeat end date can be set to an explicit date or based upon a number of occurrences. The Review Exception Dates button indicates this repeat event has some exceptions, which you can selectively remove. Exceptions to repeat series are always tracked and can be returned to the original repeat series with a button in the Advanced Pane of the Edit Dialog.


[Pimlical Time Picker Dialog]

Times are handled with a dialog that can display any number of different analog clock faces for 12 and various 24hr clock faces (a Digital clock will be added shortly). A time can be set either by tapping on the inner and outer rings, or by just directly keyboarding a time value. Timezones are handled - in this case the event is at 5pm in its native time zone, but will display at 8pm based upon the current timezone settings. Times can be entered either as the native time in that appointment's timezone, or as an adjusted time in the current timezone. A duration button allows a time to be set as an duration offset from another time (for example, setting the end time to 4 1/2 hours after the start time).


[Pimlical Advanced Find Dialog]

Pimlical's Advanced Find dialog takes advantage of the ability to use a filter to both Filter events for a view and Finding events for display. In this case, an item will be displayed if the corresponding checkbox is checked. For example, to only find or filter timed events, one would uncheck the Untimed checkbox.


[Pimlical Display Results Dialog]

The Display Results dialog displays the results of a Find function, where a filter was used to find all events in the database that matched that filter. In this case, a find was invoked for the text Meeting with a status of Normal (so that canceled or deferred meetings would not be displayed). In this dialog, you can select any number of items using Shift and CTRL (do not need to be contiguous) and then you can either click Change (which can change any attribute on all selected events in one step), Export (which exports all those events as a text file, using a configurable template), Shift (which shifts all items backwards or forwards by some time interval), Delete (which deletes all those items), or Print (which prints all selected items).


[Pimlical Link Dialog]

Appointments and tasks can be linked to contacts and/or memos as shown in this dialog (to follow a link, you just click the Link icon of an appointment.  Memos and contacts can be filtered by a text string and category, and any item can be double-clicked to display the full contents of that item


On-line Manual - Documentation
  • Click here to view the 130+ page manual for Pimlical/Desktop (PDF format)

  • Click here to view the on-line manual for Pimlical's DirectSync feature (PDF format)

  • Click here to view Revision History showing all changes by version for Pimlical/Desktop

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